
Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

El precio original era: $21.810.El precio actual es: $14.180. IVA incl.


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Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
$21.810 El precio original era: $21.810.$14.180El precio actual es: $14.180. IVA incl.
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The book «Lifehack «calls «The Bible of business and personal productivity.»

«A completely revised and updated edition of the blockbuster bestseller from ‘the personal productivity guru'»—»Fast Company»

Since it was first published almost fifteen years ago, David Allen’s «Getting Things Done «has become one of the most influential business books of its era, and the ultimate book on personal organization. “GTD” is now shorthand for an entire way of approaching professional and personal tasks, and has spawned an entire culture of websites, organizational tools, seminars, and offshoots.
Allen has rewritten the book from start to finish, tweaking his classic text with important perspectives on the new workplace, and adding material that will make the book fresh and relevant for years to come. This new edition of «Getting Things Done «will be welcomed not only by its hundreds of thousands of existing fans but also by a whole new generation eager to adopt its proven principles.

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Peso 0,29 kg
Dimensiones 21,08 × 13,72 × 1,78 cm



Very Good







Penguin Publishing Group





Fiction / Non-Fiction



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Self-management (psychology), Time Management

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