
Why the Jews?: The Reason for Antisemitism

El precio original era: $18.780.El precio actual es: $11.270. IVA incl.


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Why the Jews?: The Reason for Antisemitism
$18.780 El precio original era: $18.780.$11.270El precio actual es: $11.270. IVA incl.
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From the bestselling authors of «The Nine Questions People Ask About Judaism», a compelling discussion of the dangerous rise in antisemitism during the twenty-first century.

The very word «Jew» continues to arouse passions as does no other religious, national, or political name. Why have Jews been the object of the most enduring and universal hatred in history? Why did Hitler consider murdering Jews more important than winning World War II? Why has the United Nations devoted more time to tiny Israel than to any other nation on earth?

In this seminal study, Dennis Prager and Joseph Telushkin attempt to uncover and understand the roots of antisemitism—from the ancient world to the Holocaust to the current crisis in the Middle East. «Why the Jews?» offers new insights and unparalleled perspectives on some of the most recent, pressing developments in the contemporary world, including:

-The replicating of Nazi antisemitism in the Arab world
-The pervasive anti-Zionism/antisemitism on university campuses
-The rise of antisemitism in Europe
-Why the United States and Israel are linked in the minds of antisemites

Clear, persuasive, and thought-provoking, «Why the Jews?» is must reading for anyone who seeks to understand the unique role of the Jews in human history.

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Peso 0,28 kg
Dimensiones 21,43 × 13,97 × 1,78 cm











Simon and Schuster





Fiction / Non-Fiction



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Anthropology, Antisemitism, Cultural, General, History, History Of Jews, Jewish studies, Judaism, Political Science, Politics/International Relations, Racism & racial discrimination, Religion, Religion / Judaism / General

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